(Hurry, applications are nearing the set limit!)

 Henry Akins Has Tapped Out...








You see...


Henry is doing something he's never done before.


Rickson never did it.


Gordon Ryan isn't doing it.


And neither is... 


Tye Ruotolo

(Busy competing in everything and anything. And crushing.)

Mikey Musumeci

(Pizza and pasta joke.)

Kade Ruotolo

(He's with Tye)

Craig Jones 

(Busy receiving ADCC death threats)

Nicky Rod 

(Busy bodyguarding Craig from ADCC death threats)


But What's Happening That is SO EARTH-SHATTERING?




As you pull back the curtain you'll see...

...After 15 Years Of Defending, Rejecting, Escaping The Cries For...

👉 Belt Promotions,


👉Competitive Coaching,


👉LIVE In Person One-on-One Access Training, 


Etc, etc, etc....


Henry Akins Has Tapped Out...



...INCOMING Message From Chatri Sityodtong

(Founder of ONE FC) Himself:...

"I train martial arts 5-6x a week wherever I am in the world. Without a doubt, Muay Thai and Jiu-Jitsu are my greatest obsessions in life. As humbling as this lifelong journey has been, I am truly full of gratitude for the precious opportunity to evolve into the greatest martial artist that I can be.

"Yesterday, I had the extraordinary experience to train with Professor Henry Akins, one of Rickson Gracie’s original black belts. Among his many achievements and accolades, he is also the fastest person ever to achieve a black belt under Rickson. I can tell you that Professor Henry is a different monster. Over the years, I have been blessed to roll with many world-class black belts, but I have never felt such bone-crushing pressure and technical precision in my life. It was truly a mind-blowing experience and one of the best sessions I have ever had in terms of learning. I got completely smashed and destroyed, but I received absolute clarity on the power of simplicity and mastery at the same time"
"Thank you, Henry!"

From The Desk Of Henry Akins' Writing Slave
110° and sunny.
A few hours ago.


This is your best chance to work face to face, one on one, LIVE & in person, up close and personal with your favorite Rickson Gracie black belt.

Any time you want.

Dear Jiu Jitsu-er,

You're invited...

To what NOBODY has been invited to ever before...

In the next 2 minutes you're going to UNCOVER why...

If you want direct, personal, private IN-PERSON coaching from Henry...

AND to be literally DROWNING yourself in Hidden Jiu Jitsu through immersion with the master himself. Instead of just video instructionals, seminars, etc… 

Henry has made time for the unthinkable…


Hands on, consistent progression, in person and … wait for it…


Belt testing...

and if deserving…


Belt promotions.

and you don’t even have to live in Vegas to participate.

Sound interesting?

Then Henry has something to say DIRECTLY to you.…

A Note From Henry Himself:...

"I've been traveling the world teaching jiu jitsu and making friends for decades now.

And that's always made it difficult to make the time to give individual students my undivided attention.

Welp, now that my 50th birthday is looming on the horizon I've decided to dial back my traveling for the foreseeable future (not 100%, just less). And I'm doing that primarily to give something I've been asked for more times than I can recall...

1. To give an opportunity to the most passionate jiu jitsu athletes and hobbyists in the world (Hidden Jiu Jitsu fans) to experience an evolutionary leap in their skills, tactics, jiu jitsu IQ and to shine a light on what REALLY works in EVERY situation, be it sport, street, gi, no gi, or just training with friends.

2. To help students create continuity and consistency in their training to eliminate the all too common VALLEYs in most people's training progression, which waste enormous amounts of time, energy, and resources. Your training curve should be one of consistent progress, not fits and starts of mostly stagnation with the occasional breakthrough (this has been a major problem that has transpired as jiu jitsu has grown so fast; sadly, the training quality and progress has been watered down for all but an elite few).

3. To FINALLY give my students the ability to train, learn, and be belt promoted under my supervision (no, I'm not opening a traditional school... better).

4. To create a much-needed peer group that holds each person accountable to getting the most out of their time on the mat. We get one life to live, and wasting 50% or more of our mat time NOT progressing is a waste. There's simply a better way, and I want to be a source for positive change in our community."

- Henry

The ONLY question you should have now is...


The answer is simple...

At the risk of sounding like broken record...

This is your best chance to work face to face, one on one, LIVE & in person, up close and personal with your favorite Rickson Gracie black belt.


Any, FREAKIN', time you want.


THIS is the

Hidden Jiu Jitsu

War Room


Over and over again it's said, "we become who we spend our time with."

And any guy or gal with some age on them (and even some of us who don't) KNOWS THIS TO PROVEN, TRIED, TRUE, TESTED, FACT.


It's why Henry is one of the most respected coaches in all of jiu jitsu, even though he's not visible on the competitive scene anymore.

Because those who know...


If you've trained with Henry, YOU know.

He got to this level both as a jiu jitsu practitioner and coach by having the mindset of an egoless white belt despite being one of the most respected Rickson Gracie black belts in the world.


There is however...

A catch.

By joining, you sign over your...

      • First-born child
      • Your first-born GRANDchild
      • Your house keys
      • A PROMISE to leave Milk and Cookies under the "Henry Tree" every Third Sunday of the month.
      • 2 strands of your hair
      • Your next 18 months of nail clippings
      • Your Grandma's social security number
      • Your dog


Lol, not really, but there are THESE very strict rules... THIS is what you NEED to know before joining...


The rules ARE:


        • No nonsense allowed. If you want to learn the newest upside down, inside out, drunken alligator so-and-so... War Room is not for you.
        • If you want to smash the shit out of every person you go against and even in a loss you want your opponent to wish he never had shared the mat with you, then War Room is your cup of tea.
        • If you want to accomplish your jiu jitsu goals with the least amount of injuries and the least amount of energy expenditure, War Room is your jam. 
        • BE WARNED, before you apply, War Room is only open now. It will not have continuing enrollment. We expect 100 or so applicants and will choose a maximum of 8 students (10 absolute max if the applicants are that exceptional).
        • No jackass policy. If you are looking to hurt your training partners or make a point about how tough you are, you won't be accepted. And if by chance you squeak by the application process and show up that way, you'll be escorted to the door and you will not be refunded for your trouble. Our training partners and our coaches are our friends, we need to take care of them so they WANT to stay on the path. 
        • Every belt level is invited. Gi or No Gi focused folks are invited.
        • If you are having trouble paying the bills, have no savings, etc... this is not for you. Henry is about helping and serving people; taking your last dime is the last thing he'd be willing to do. Your enthusiasm is admired but you won't make the application cut.
        • There is no limitation that will stop Henry from taking your game to the next level. Injuries, training time, training partners, etc... all can be worked around if you're willing to put in the work.
        • If you're still reading this letter... Then it would seem that the only reasonable conclusion is you want in, and submitting your application is your next step...



A NO-BS, bullet list overview of EXACTLY WHAT this Once In A Lifetime 2024-2025 Experience IS


"The Hidden Jiu Jitsu War Room" with Rickson Gracie Black Belt Henry Akins


This exclusive opportunity is not for everyone.

You must be able to travel.

You must be serious about your jiu jitsu.

This program will require a 12-month commitment and it will NOT be conducted like your traditional "school/academy."

  • You will be coached directly by Henry.
  • You will train directly with Henry.
  • You will be ABLE to be promoted (if/when deserving) by Henry.
  • Applicants who are accepted will be permitted to bring up to 3 people with them for no additional cost. If you do not bring training partners with you, that is ok. Henry will take care of that.

...INCOMING Message From The LEGEND Matt Jones

(Founder of ISOHEALTH / ISO BJJ) Himself:...

"Remember in The Matrix when Morpheus tells Neo "no one can be told what the matrix is, you have to see it for yourself"? Well training and rolling with Henry is a lot like that!

I'm an Aussie and my first time ever training with Henry was while visiting the USA in 2014. Those lessons were so eye opening that I started making the journey twice each year (a month at a time) so that I could train with Henry on a regular basis. I am very glad that I made that decision!

Henry's focus on Jiu-Jitsu for self defense sits perfectly with my own goals, but a great bonus is that many of those same techniques have helped me to help my students in Gi, NoGi and MMA competition.

Last but not least, Henry's longevity focused approach is of great benefit to anyone who loves the art of Jiu-Jitsu, and wants to enjoy it for many years to come.

I've had the tremendous honour of receiving both my 1st and 2nd Degrees from Henry, and while it's true that it's about the journey rather than the destination, I am stoked to have received those markers of progress from the beast that is Henry Akins!"

Kind Regards,

Matt Jones, CSCS
Master’s Degree, Sports Coaching
Founder & Head Coach,

What you get as a War Room member:

  • 6 hours of LIVE IN-PERSON training per month in Las Vegas with Henry personally (broken into 2 3-hour sessions) (days/dates/time will be scheduled for you personally so you can make it work with your personal schedule). ($54,000)
  • You'll be eligible for belt promotions under Henry. (3 years is the average time between all BJJ promotions, 3 years of training with Henry in private 2x/week would be $234,000) 
  • In between your monthly in-person training/coaching sessions, you'll have personal live coaching sessions via Zoom with Henry to review tactics/technique, etc., covered in person AND to discuss/answer questions regarding your training progression at home. ($6,399+)
  • All live training sessions will be recorded and provided for you. (A NEW HJJ COURSE? $497+, A Course specifically recorded OF you, for YOU?) ($4,997+)
  • Video study, commentary, coaching of your training, competitions at home will be included as well. ($998+)
  • All vids on USB drive.  ($50)
  • Access to me 24/7 via phone ($2,997+)
  • HJJ T-Shirt ($25)

$254,866 Of Value...

To be one of the ELITE FEW in War Room, it's not going to cost you $254,866.

Heck it won't cost you half of that. 

it won't cost you a quarter of that.

HECK, it won't cost you half a quarter...

This program is the exact one-on-one personal attention everyone wants from their coach at home.

But your coach more often than not has a school to run so he can keep the lights on. 

This doesn't DETRACT from your coach.

NOR does it require to be disloyal to your current lineage.

How much involvement Henry has on your rank is UP. TO. YOU.

This is not to replace the traditional "academy/school" format, but instead to create a higher level, more intensive training/coaching bond and environment to maximize skill development and minimize injury as fast as possible.

This is an Application-Only Program. If you would like to be considered, you must submit an application, and Henry will SPEAK TO YOU PERSONALLY, and then determine if you qualify.

Needless to say, this is a tremendous time and resource commitment for Henry and the students he accepts.

With that in mind, he's really only looking for people with the highest level of interest, focus, and attention to include.

Should you apply and not be accepted, it is not a personal issue, it's just that you're not an ideal candidate, and Henry thinks there is a better way to engage with you at this time than being a War Room participant.

Your commitment IF your application is accepted:

  • You'll be in the program for 12 months after your first visit to Las Vegas.
  • You'll be available at least 2x per month for Zoom or phone coaching with Henry.

Your investment:

$3,000 per month. If you pre-pay for the entire year, you save $6,000 and get 2 months free. 

Applicants who are accepted will be permitted to bring up to 3 people with them for no additional cost. (MEANING ONLY $750/Month)


If you do not bring training partners with you,

that is ok.

We are expecting potentially over 100 applicants. Henry will choose at MOST 8 candidates to become HJJ War Room Members.

IF... You're ALL IN.

Just Click The Red "I'M ALL IN!" Button BELOW



BUT IF... You've Got A FEW Questions.

These could include, but are not limited to:

- How Do The Dates Work?

- What About The Travel?

- How Do I Coordinate My Flights?

- How Do I Pay?

- Can I Have A Payment Plan?

- What If I Get Sick And Cannot Make A Month?

- If Something Happens And I Cannot Finish The Year Do I Still Have To Pay The Balance?

ESSENTIALLY... You're curious and you'd like to talk to Henry directly, to get more info and better understand the whole thing.