My NEW Cross-Side/Side Control domination course. 👇


"Become UN-stoppable & UN-defendable From Cross-Side (Side Control) ... Guaranteed!"  

Finally, A Real-World, Real-Time, 

Coached Systematic Approach To 
ALWAYS DOMINATE, Attack & FINISH from cross-side/side control... 

This is NOT "An Instructional"
This is NOT "A Seminar"
This is NOT "A Webinar"
Its how we should have been
learning Jiu Jitsu all along...

It's YOUR PERMANENT Side Control/Cross Side Domination
Never Get Stopped By Speed, Age, Weight, or any other factor Ever Again.

Give Me INSTANT ACCESS and Make Me UN-STOPPABLE From Cross-Side

  The UN-STOPPABLE & UN-DEFENDABLE Cross Side / Side Control Attack Domination VIP Course
What You Get...


Dear Friend,
You missed the original LIVE UN-STOPPABLE (Cross-Side DOMINATION) Challenge. But I've made the entire UN-STOPPABLE Challenge into a full blown course for YOU! You get access to the ENTIRE challenge and ALL its components so YOU TOO can become UN-STOPPABLE.

     "Becoming UN-STOPPABLE & UN-DEFENDABLE" was the most recently completed 84 Day Challenge of many future "Challenges" to come. I will ultimately create ongoing training around every position & transition in Jiu Jitsu. A TRUE process designed for YOU to achieve the kind of mastery few have the opportunity to attain. One aspect of creating this 84 Day Challenge was I wanted EVERYONE to be able to participate at whatever level of engagement they could afford both from a time commitment and financial commitment so in light of that.

Instead of the one way direction of a normal video instructional course. You'll see coaching LIVE from ME in the recorded virtual zoom coaching sessions. And then layered on top of that will be your assignments that you complete in training in between sessions. Instead of your learning being isolated to watching a video or just on the mat. My "Become UN-STOPPABLE" VIP Course is the key that UNLOCKS the connection between learning, training and finally being able to "put it all together" on the map. It is truly the ultimate mastery and progression process and I cannot wait to begin the process with you.


Your belt rank does not matter...
I guarantee you'll spend a LOT less time fighting for your life, grimacing, panting, and flailing around just to stay on top (possibly NONE at all)
No matter your experience or skill level




     I expect this to become the NEW standard in how Jiu Jitsu is taught.  Yes it's fun to just show up week after week on the mats and train with your friends but quite frankly in the absence of seeing and UNDERSTANDING the MICRO aspects of Jiu Jitsu we're just getting in our own way.   Its also NOT fun to NOT feel like you're making SUBSTANTIAL progress even though you're putting in time on the mats.  Especially for more experienced belts where the ceiling of improvement hits hard for many... that can take the art you love so much and turn it into drudgery. If we look at how Jiu Jitsu is currently taught and has been taught we see more mediocre Jiu Jitsu than ever before.  I've made it my PERSONAL MISSION to FIX THIS.

     Learning the most critical details and concepts, throwing away the rest that's unnecessary.  Going and IMPLEMENTING what we learned.  Reporting back.  Getting Coached.  Rinse, Repeat.  THIS is how you will achieve mastery in Jiu Jitsu no matter what belt level you currently are.  No matter where you live. No matter who your instructor is.  No matter where you train.  No matter what your ultimate goals.  

     2020 and COVID was miserable, but one thing GREAT that came out of it was the realization that we could actually LEARN & DEVELOP FASTER by adding an aspect of our training that wasn't mat time.   And since I've done MULTIPLE multi-week challenges like this I've only become even MORE convinced that THIS is the future of Jiu Jitsu instruction.  Don't get me wrong... there is ZERO substitute for spending MOST of your time ON the mat.  But "little hinges" DO swing BIG doors.  I hope you're READY for THE single FASTEST amount of improvement you've ever experienced.  I know for sure... your training partners and your next competition competitors aren't.


Henry Akins