Yes, there is a secret weapon to competition training - and it is the "1 minute drill".

Just how effective is "the 1 minute drill"?
Well, Kron Gracie used it to win what many call "the greatest ADCC match of all time".
See here:
And in today's Hidden Jiu-Jitsu video, you will learn...
- Who your 2 opponents are in a competition fight, and why you'll tend to lose if you only know how to fight one of them (no matter who you're fighting in competition, you ALWAYS have 2 opponents and you need to know how to fight them BOTH to win consistently!)
- What is the 1-minute drill and how do you use it in training to dominate competitions?
- Why this is just as much about your confidence as it is your technical ability, and how that relates to what Kron did in the ADCC fight with Tonon.
- One way to use 1-minute drills that will truly set you up for success.
All of the above and more explained in the video below:
But... even after all that, some of you will STILL want MORE ways to win big and accelerate your progress to the highest levels of skill.
Maximum skill in minimum time!
Trust me, I know the feeling.
My first 2 years in this art, I thought about nothing else.
70+ hour weeks were my norm.
But not everyone who practices Jiu-Jitsu is young, free of responsibilities, and living at the gym.
Which is why, after 25+ years, I've begun to distill my best secrets for how to learn efficiently and accelerate your skill in ways people simply will not believe until they verify for themselves (yes, they're that good)... even when you don't have 70+ hours a week to train.
In fact, if you practice with the right methods and intentions, and with the miracle that is the internet, that allows you to find the answer to your EXACT problem in seconds, and rewind as many times as you need to get it right (I definitely didn't have that back in the mid-90s)...
You can become a beast better and faster than has ever been possible in the history of Jiu-Jitsu!!!
And that, my friends, is why I filmed the Hidden Jiu-Jitsu Camp in Tamarindo, Costa Rica, back in February of 2019.
We filmed 6 days of footage detailing how to use 2 of the most powerful learning tools known to modern athletes, and how to apply them to your Jiu-Jitsu to make absolutely unbelievable progress in record time.
In fact, many of those who attended, who are no strangers to competition, said they easily made over a year's worth of normal progress in just those 6 days.
I know that sounds unbelievable, but a lot of that has to do with how inefficient the traditional methods of learning are, and if you don't believe me, then click the link below to see videos of the camp attendees speaking for themselves.
You get the point.
If you want to attach a warp drive to your Jiu-Jitsu engine and zip through space at light speed toward your highest martial arts ambitions (and beyond!) , then click here now for 5 FREE videos that show you EXACTLY how (using some pretty wicked techniques)!